BTS-25 BTS-25


BTS 25

Price: $1,850.00
Strap Qualities: Polyester (PET) / Polypropylene (PP)
Max. Tension: 800 lbs
Sealing Type: Friction-weld sealing
Weight: 6.8 lbs
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Signode BTS-25- Battery Powered Vibratory Sealer

This tool has been DISCONTINUED, for an alternative try BXT2-16 (which is now the BXT3), BXT2-19 (which is now the BXT3-19), or BXT2-25/32 (we like the P331 more). The Signode BTS-25 is a heavy duty sealer that works with up to .050" thick by 1" wide poly strapping. The BTS-25 tool is generally used with the Signode PT feed wheel tensioner. To operate, place the sealer behind the tensioner and weld then cut the strapping with the touch of one button. This tool applies a seal quickly and simply, saving operator time and labor. 

Strap Qualities:  Polyester (PET) / Polypropylene (PP)
Max. Tension: 800 lbs
Sealing Type:  Friction-weld sealing
Weight:  6.8 lbs

Need your BTS-25 Repaired? Send it to our tool repair department for a quick turnaround.

Allstrap Opinion: This is a neat tool. The downside is not with this tool, but with having to combine two tools to get the job done.  This Signode tool was very clever, and was used in lumber yards with a feedwheel style tensioner.  There is a video of the tool welding underwater which is a huge advantage for outdoor use!  We are sad to see this tool go!

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