

.5 Inch HD Serrated Seal

.5 Inch HD Serrated Seal0.5 Inch HD serrated seal for polyester (PET) and polypropylene (PP) strappi..

.625 Inch HD Serrated Seal

.625 Inch HD Serrated Seal 5/8" heavy duty serrated seal for polyester (PET) and polypro (PP) s..

.75 Inch HD Serrated Seal

.75 (3/4) Inch HD Serrated Seal .75" HD Serrated Seal- Poly Strapping Seals. The 3/4" Heav..

.5 Inch Light Duty Poly Seal

.5 Inch Light Duty Poly Seal 1/2" poly strapping seal with dip. This seal is crimped with a pol..

.5 Inch Plastic Buckles

.5 Inch Plastic Buckles 1/2" Plastic Buckles for poly strapping; Regular Duty, 1M/bag. Buckles ..

.75 Inch HD Snap Seal

.75 Inch HD Snap Seal3/4" HD snap on seal used for polyester strapping. This monster seal is used wi..

.5 Inch Signode Sand 50DY Seal

.5 Inch Signode Sand Paper 50DY SealThe .5 inch Signode Sand 50DY Seal is used with polypropylene or..

.625 Inch Signode Sand 58DY Seal

.625 Inch Signode Sand 58DY Seal5/8" Signode sand 58DY seal. Used with polypro or polyester strappin..

.625 Inch Light Duty Poly Seal

.625 Inch Light Duty Poly Seal  5/8" poly strapping seal with dip. This seal is crimped wi..

.75 Inch Signode Sand 34DY Seal

 .75 Inch Signode Sand 34DY Seal3/4" Signode sand 34DY seal. Used with polypro or polyester str..

.625 Inch AMT Seals

.625 Inch Signode AMT Seals  Poly 5/8" AMT mag seals 1800/bx for polyester strapping. Serrated..

.75 Inch Light Duty Poly Seal

.75 Inch Light Duty Poly Seal 3/4" poly strapping seal with dip. This seal is crimped with a po..

Showing 1 to 12 of 12 (1 Pages)