Signode BTS Battery Powered Sealer
This tool has been DISCONTINUED, for an alternative try BXT2-16 (which is now the BXT3), BXT2-19 (which is now the BXT3-19), or BXT2-25/32 (we like the P331 more). The Signode BTS is used with 5/8", 3/4", and 1" polyester and nylon strapping. Reduces costs by eliminating seals, and saving on labor time. The BTS gets a better joint efficiency then using a grit seal. The Signode BTS is used with high strength Polyester or Nylon Strapping.
Strap qualities: Polypropylene (PP) and Polyester (PET)
Strap dimensions: 5/8", 3/4", 1" and 1-1/4"
Sealing type: Friction-weld sealing
Max. Tension: 800 lbs.
Weight: BTS-6.8 lbs. / 3 kg
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Allstrap opinion:
This Signode tool was very clever, and was used in lumber yards with a feedwheel style tensioner. There is a video of the tool welding underwater which is a huge advantage for outdoor use! We are sad to see this tool go!