


Price: $473.00
  • $473.00


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Signode D-34 Heavy Duty Polyester Strapping Sealer

This sealer has been discontinued. This is the only tool that used the 34DY seals.  The new sealers (click to link) uses a serrated instead of sand paper seal (click to link) with a tool like the MUL381.

The Signode D-34 is for heavy duty polyester strapping. The D34 is intended for use with .75" wide and up to .050" thick poly strapping. Use this strapping tool with 34DY seal. The side action sealer applies a crimp type joint and weighs 7.8 lb.

Allstrap Opinion: This Signode tool was the heaviest duty Signode made for poly strapping, but the joint efficiency for seals is horrible.  We suggest using a battery tool like the P329 or the BXT3-19 instead.  The weld is about 2X as strong as a clip.